Bulk Discounts of 5% & 8% Off for orders above 6 & 12 bottles respectively!

Wine Subscription

  • $99.00


For the adventurous and the indulgence of wine! Our wine subscription is perfect for those looking to satisfy that growing wine explorer in you.

  • Not sure what your likes and dislikes are? Or what wines there are out there? We strive to curate a vast range of wines for you based on your food palate! Have a go at our wine quiz and allow us to curate wines for you!
  • Don't want a certain wine in your subscription? Absolutely! We're here to encourage and boost your adventure in searching for your perfect bottle!

SAVE UP TO 10% when you choose a ‘monthly delivery’ instead! All bottles for the month will be delivered to your doorstep once a month, allowing you to save on delivery fees

Here's what you can expect with any of our wine subscriptions:

  1. Take our wine quiz if you haven't already, so that we can get a base understanding of your wine preferences
  2. Enjoy the wines! They will be delivered to you according to the frequency you have selected.
  3. Review the wines! Each review will give us a slightly better understanding of your taste profile
  4. Drink some more! We will improve the wines selected for you with your reviews.

Pick out your preferred wine pairing option from your curated wines at your convenience!